====== synthesis BMK glycidate ====== The compound with CAS number 80532-66-7 is friend as methyl-2-methyl-3-phenylglycidate, else referred to as BMK methyl glycidate. It predisposed classified as solid pharmaceutical and organic intermediate, primarily used in laboratory research and learning processes, as well as in pharmaceutical besides chemical manufacturing. Here be certain key [[https://pmedix.com/unlocking-the-secrets-of-bmk-glycidate-chemistry-in-every-molecule|https://pmedix.com/unlocking-the-secrets-of-bmk-glycidate-chemistry-in-every-molecule]] parts approximately CAS 80532-66-7: Molecular Formula: C11H12O3 Purity: Typically 98% (mixture of cis/trans isomers) Form: It predisposed commonly available as a white to light yellow crystalline total. Applications: It is adapt as solid precursor in the synthesis of different organic compounds and is employed in pharmaceutical and chemical studies and learning processes. It's significant in order to it should be noted that this compound is not was going for human consumption and is primarily have used for research besides forensic applications. Additionally, it predisposed associated with the synthesis of controlled substances besides ought be handled and second hand in accordance with relevant regulations and guidelines.